..Life only travells once..
..Today moments becomes tomorrow memories..
..Enjoy every moment, good or bad..
..Because the gift of life is life itself..

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Happy BirthDay Rara

this is my first scrapbook I ever did....(after 3 others  at Scrapbook Beginner Class)

...looks simple...but I made it with all my heart...(wink..wink)
this is for my lovely niece...Rara who is 14 years old now...
look at this girl....isn't she so cute..?

Rara...my teenager niece ...I'm close with her..
 when my twin were 2 years old... we went abroad together
She helped me take care of them..
Time flies...
Hay..  You  grown so fast, dear!
(typical aunty comment)
I cut a cute card ..(well..  I didn't make it by my self..I want to
but..the card was too cute for to be un used and I heart it!)

although..I couldn't put the pictures with a good angle...


She was so surprise and like it..
that's enough for me

hope that's was a good day for you, Rara

that only the happiest, cheerish thoughts
are the kind that keep coming to mind--
One of the day you get plenty
of smiles and plenty of time
for some rest..
in fact, hope it's one of the best

love..ur Aunty

not easy to start ..but i'm happy, and enjoyed this process very much

Friday, 14 May 2010

Week in The life - Day VII 15 05 2010

I open the window as usually I do every morning..it was 05.15 am
the colour of the sky is changing ..
tying the shoelaces..and go to work
 the GR .....a week to the performance..  Me ..one of the MC
(wew..excited but..deg-degan juga ya)
getting sweat after do the'Black and White' dance..he could do break dancing!
U're good, boy!
curly and chubby girl...dancing together!
some of our projects have done..yipiee!
pinky aeroplane, ..can U imagine if it's real...? hahaha..
Ican with Bu Damai in the evening
kumon...kumon....more holydays.....more home-works...
bye-bye..good night!


Week in The life - Day VI 13 05 2010

this day is a holiday.. mr Lazy Sun says hello!

sun shine coming through the leaves and bananas fruit on bananas field near by my home

This cat and 2 others usually come to see the twin when they have a meal...
'hi..Pussycat..where are ur  friend?'..

we went to Mbah's house..twin's grandma who always waiting and cheers us..

planting pots colouring Mbah's house

rain..rain in Jl. Imam bonjol..

the newest mall to be near by Senayan City

Irfan was very happy and loved to try any displays in 3D exhibition

Whoohoo...I can Fly...

go home..


Thursday, 13 May 2010

Week in The life - Day V 12 05 2010

one side of my lil garden at 07.10 am
look at these messy things............!
ready to work!
Bibi cooked Ayam panggang Klaten, It smells  good, can't wait for lunch time.. 
preparation the stir fried Kangkung
Voila..this is my lunch meal..wanna try?..U must!.
twin's time to swim...
I read May's edition of a travel magazine..like it!
waiting my hub's reparation watch done..

Today was a busy day..but I'm glad for 80 % works of the PAT decoration project are done..I  bless for the twin swim progress..but it is still a long  journey ..I know..

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Week in The life - Day IV 11 05 2010

sunshine coming through our palimanan's stone in my room
sunshine coming in and warms our dark orange soffa and the cushions
rajinnya si Bibi menyapu halaman dan bagian depan rumah kami
sinar matahari menghangati tempat tidur ini dan menggoda saya untuk merasakan hangatnya di badan dan akhirnya saya tertidur for a while (about 20 minutes) and wake up with a fresh spirit to go to the Pengajian as usual I did in every tuesday...
This is our beautiful Azzahra's Leader, mrs Tatat..speaking about our plan in 15th May go to Bandung
This glass of tea wasn't mine..it's Johar's a 3 years old boy whose accompany me when they were praying sholat Dhuhur...he is a clever boy..sedang ngoceh-ngocehnya..he is a son of my friend..
We spoke about anything..hmmm one day he will be a good speaker..
rain..rain in the most afternoon..so they played in the house....and cried too!..biasaa...
I spent the afternoon time watching The Lovely Bones...on DVD..
a movie about a teenager called  Susan Salmon whose killed in her 14 years old  ..beautiful packaged  and so touchy ..setting in 1973 and the years later...
My Kid prayed sholat Maghrib..
semoga kebiasaan ini menerus sampai dia besar dan tua nanti..
Hei..look whose coming..Bapak..come on Kid say hello!
(jarang-jarang dia pulang anak-anak masih belum tidur...)