..Life only travells once..
..Today moments becomes tomorrow memories..
..Enjoy every moment, good or bad..
..Because the gift of life is life itself..

Monday 10 May 2010

Week in The Life, Day I 08 05 2010

well, finally..datang juga hari ini...i'm so excited  to do this...

Good morning, Saturday!
My breakfast on my kido's  scholl bazaar
still hungry? i ate a half from this yummy hamburger
 Boys always be boys
(curhat seorang ibu:..Mbok ya kalau ada bazaar di sekolah tu jangan ada yang jual mainan ya..?)
Siang menghadiri acara ulang tahun ke 75 ibu dari sahabat saya
Ibu Soekorini yang saya kenal seperti ibu sendiri..betapa bahagianya beliau dikelilingi putra-putrinya yang hebat, cucu-cucunya yang sayang dan sahabat-sahabatnya hari itu..

yummy things....didn't it?

lovely pink joger on one of the little guest..

In the evening, after had dinner ..I spent the night with my hubby just go arround the city (puter-puter ngukur jalan..he3x)..just two of us..
and at 9.30 pm we stopped at one of the cafe in Jl Wijaya..
Tea for two with little sandwich and tiny tartlet
Love letter ( crepes with strawberry and vanilla icecream and anglaus sauce)
We enjoyed that time..

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